Episode 5 was one of the craziest shoots we’ve ever done. It started well, though. J. Grace Pennington, who wrote the episode, was able to come out and help on the set, which was great fun. We even put her to work as a script and slate wrangler. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: November 2012
Hey ho ho ho!
The Plot Dare (S1EB)
Things weren’t too crazy on this episode. We had a little bit of an exciting moment when the log Rebekah Shafer (Bree) was sitting on turned out to be pretty wobbly. A declaration was made by the director that nobody was allowed to stand on the log. And then later he forgot and stood on it. Continue reading
The Talent Show (S1E4)
Episode 4 is probably my (Jordan) favorite episode of the entire first season. I still laugh at almost every joke in there. “You can’t even wear socks!” seems to be a fan favorite. Continue reading
Plot Prompts (S1E3)
Half the fun with this one was reading the writing prompts Rebekah Shafer (Production designer and Bree) came up with to go in the Writer’s jar. There were crazy things in there like “Walk to the sun.” (A reference Continue reading
Cast/Crew Interview: Aubrey Hansen
We’re kicking off a monthly cast/crew interview series with Aubrey Hansen, our intrepid story supervisor. We’ve already kind of stolen her first answer, so let’s get to her answers!
Month of the Novel:: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?
Aubrey Hansen: I’m the story supervisor, which is the person the producer pays to yell at the writers. No, seriously—when I signed on, Jordan and I explicitly agreed that I was hired because I am more critical and demanding than he is. It’s my job to make sure the scripts are well-written and flow together as a complete season, which means I don’t spare when I give feedback to the writers. But in return I also make Jordan’s feedback pleasant and coherent before I send it to the writers, so everybody’s happy (as far as I know).
Additionally, this year Jordan also cajoled me into writing an episode (not that it took that much effort on his part).
MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?
AH: I’ve always been fond of sci-fi, so I’m excited that we’re exploring/mocking/mutilating that genre this season. Continue reading
The Trap (S1E2)
This was actually the very last episode that we shot. It ended up taking us until the last minute to find a wall that would work for the episode. We literally scouted the location in the morning and came back to shoot in the afternoon. And then we forgot the microphone and had to send somebody back for it. Continue reading
Once Upon a Time (S1E1)
One of the most hilarious things that happened while shooting this episode was when the cast spontaneously started singing the flower song from Tangled during the shooting of latter half of the episode. Almost every take ended with the flower being held up and sung to. Continue reading
Season 2 Coming November 2013!
It’s true! The first episode of Month of the Novel Season 2 will hit the Internet on November 1, 2013.
“2013?!” you protest. “You mean I have to wait another whole year? Why?!”
Here’s the scoop:
We are committed to making Month of the Novel the best web series that we can. We realized as we entered pre-production for Season 2 that we couldn’t do the show justice on such a compressed schedule. We need more time to make it really, really good, so we’re going to be taking an additional year to do just that.
What does this mean for you? A lot, actually!
You see, with the extra time to create Season 2, we are upping the episode count. That’s right! Season 2 of Month of the Novel will contain not five, not six, not seven, not eight, not nine, but ten episodes! Yes, Season 2 will be nearly twice as long as Season 1!
And with extra breathing space, we’ll have time to give you more updates. You’ll definitely want to subscribe to our blog, like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, whichever is your preferred method(s) of keeping up with things, because we have a lot of great stuff to share with you.
Like what? Well, I don’t want to give too much away, but starting a little later this month, we’ll be posting monthly interviews with each of our cast and crew members, so stay tuned to hear a little more about each of the creatives behind the show.
And lest you miss your 2012 NaNoWriMo pick-me-up, we’ll be re-blogging all of the Season 1 episodes this month, so you can get that little weekly boost. Better yet, we’ll also be posting the bonus episode in its official Season 1 chronology for the first time ever, and we have a Season 1 bloopers reel to show you, too! Plus, director Jordan Smith and producer Ruth Shafer will be sharing some behind-the-scenes thoughts in conjunction with each episode, so be sure to watch for those, starting tomorrow.
So mark your calendars! November 1, 2013, is when the Season 2 premier hits YouTube! It’s gonna be great and you don’t want to miss it.