Hey ho ho ho!

And Now It’s Time to Edit…

If you’ve been following our posts on the Month of the Novel Facebook page, you know that we’ve been loading the footage (a technical filmmaking term for our video and audio files) into our computers and getting it all labeled. You might also know that there are a total of 1,349 raw source files.


Somehow, all these files will be edited into ten episodes for your viewing pleasure. Right now, though, we’re taking a short break before diving in.

Stay tuned. We might just have some little tidbits coming soon.

Filming in the Wild Outdoors

A few of the scripts for Month of the Novel Season 2 called for outdoor filming, although nowhere near on as big a scale as Season 1. We found a good location close to home and spent a morning (really cold) and an afternoon (bundled up against the cold—only to have the sun come out) filming away. Here are a few fun shots from that.

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Cast/Crew Interview: J. Grace Pennington

Let’s welcome writer J. Grace Pennington to the blog for another cast/crew interview!

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

J. Grace Pennington: I’m on the screenwriting team; I wrote the season finale for the first season, and I’m doing Episode 1 this time.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

JGP: I like that there’s more room to explore the concepts, with the length extended and twice as many episodes as last season. It’s just more full and you get to see more of the journey, which is fun!

MotN: Do you have a favorite episode from Season 1? If you had to pick based on the scripts, which episode of Season 2 do you think will be your new favorite? (You can pick your own.) Continue reading

Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, it’s off to film we go.

Here are some fun peeks at what we’ve been busily doing for the last week or so.