Hey ho ho ho!

What We’ve Learned Since Malfhok

Over on the Phantom Moose Films blog, Jordan breaks down the differences between Malfhok from the iSundae films and the Computer from Season 2.

It was recently brought to our attention that the new Computer character in Month of the Novel Season 2 is not unlike Malfhok in appearance. You remember Malfhok, right? He was the floating head who played a pretty large role in iSundae, plus he had a cameo appearance in iSundae II. We jumped through all sorts of special effects hoops to make him work, and we pretty much ended the iSundae films vowing never to do something like that again.

And yet, here we are, about five years later, doing something like that again. What have we learned? What’s different?

You’ll want to read the full post, especially since there are some new tidbits and still frames from Season 2 included.

Cast/Crew Interview: Jordan Smith

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Jordan Smith: It’s more appropriate to ask what my role isn’t. Seriously, I am really doing some of everything. Producing, directing, writing, acting (the Jester in Season 1, the Captain in Season 2), editing… Maybe even something else I’m forgetting.

Mainly, though, I’m directing. My job is to have the amazing vision that brings the whole show together. Sometimes I actually feel like that’s true.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

JS: Oh, I’ve seen all the scripts and I’ve been guiding them from draft one. Again, the question here might be better put, “What don’t you like?” I’m a very happy director/producer, and I think the Month of the Novel writing crew is absolutely incredible. They’ve taken this thing to a whole new level beyond the first season. Continue reading