Hey ho ho ho!

Lights, More Lights, and Even More Lights

All good spaceships need lights, and the one that’s going to figure big in Month of the Novel Season 2 is no exception. Here’s a look at the lights that we’re playing with to get ready for the shoot.

Looking pretty cool, don’t you think? We’re planning to begin shooting on March 1, but our Indiegogo funding project has only a week left. There’s still time to contribute and be a part of Season 2!


Sewing and costume creation has been happening at a rapid pace! Here are some teasers of the costumes. Maybe you can match them up to the concept art that we posted earlier.

We’re down to the last nine days on our Indiegogo fundraiser!

Production Design Elements

Here’s a peek at some of the real-world objects that Rebekah Shafer, our production designer, is working with to create the costumes and props that we’ll be using for Month of the Novel Season 2.


If that wasn’t cool enough, we’re at $240 on our Indiegogo project! That’s nearly halfway to our funding goal of $500. There are still 14 days left to help us fund Season 2, so please help us spread the word!