Hey ho ho ho!


Month of the Novel is a comedy web series that takes its inspiration from NaNoWriMo and the challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days. The series explores what happens inside the book when word-count tricks go too far.

Season 1 aired on YouTube in November, 2011. Season 2 is set to air starting November 1, 2013.

The show is the result of a collaboration of numerous passionately creative people. You can learn more about them by reading the pages below.


The Writer

Writer character shotAn enthusiastic but easily dispirited aspiring author, the Writer dreams of creating the next bestseller, but will settle for reaching her word count each day—even if it means trying any and every crazy scheme that she or anyone else can come up with.


Bree character shotThe Writer’s older sister, a sensible but feisty young author who’s completed the novel-in-one-month challenge several years in a row. She’s the source of many of the ideas that the Writer uses to boost her word count, all while writing her own November novel for this year—a highly original steampunk prairie historical whodunit romance.

The Warrior Princess

Princess character shotA girl on a mission—sadly, she’s not quite sure what that mission is. She has some idea that it should involve adventure, fighting, and danger, but unfortunately she can’t stand any of those things.

The Long-lost Heir

Heir character shotHe’s the heir of—well, something-or-other. He has vague memories of some kind of abuse during his childhood, and a pretty good idea that he should inherit some kingdom, and he’s certain he was once tortured into eating peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches upside-down, but other than that he’s in the dark.

The Jester

Jester character shotA mysterious and enigmatic character, the Jester accompanies the Heir and the Princess on their quest. He’s clever and dashing and makes wonderful omelets. His only flaw is the fact that he occasionally becomes an evil bad guy who wants to kill everyone.


50,000 words. 30 days. But what do the characters think?

What happens inside the book when word-count boosting tricks go too far? Month of the Novel is a hilarious web series inspired by NaNoWriMo.

There are sixteen hilarious episodes on YouTube! Season 1 follows the adventures of the Writer as she races to complete a 50,000-word fantasy novel. Then in Season 2, the Writer returns with an ambitious 100,000-word goal and an epic science fiction story. Pick an episode below!

Praise for Month of the Novel:

“I LOVE this. I use the new videos as motivators each time I’m writing, like after I got my first 10k day I watched episode three.” ~Holly H.

“I love the way it illustrates the writing process. It’s so metatextual! Brilliant!” ~Souledout4Himalone

“NaNo-inspired web series? Yes, please!” ~rvalz

“These episodes are really well done! Keep them up, they’re perfect to watch when taking a writing break, haha!” ~oppugnos

“Thank you for such an incredible series! SUCH FUN. Can’t wait to get my DVD in the mail.” ~Mangy Cat

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