This is the part where we talk about money. Every movie has to be paid for, and Month of the Novel Season 2 is no exception.
We have some funding already, but we’re hoping to find some more so that we can make Season 2 even better. To that end, we’ve set up a funding campaign on to try to raise at least $500.
We’ve tried to make the reward levels for pledging reasonable and interesting. Here are some highlights:
- For any pledge, we’ll put your name in the Special Thanks section of the credits. We believe in thanking even the smallest contributor, so we wanted to make sure that even pledging just $1 was rewarded.
- This next is one of my favorites. For those pledging $15, we’ve got an extensive look at how the scripts went through revisions. You’ll get all the drafts of three Season 2 episodes, plus notes from director Jordan Smith and story supervisor Aubrey Hansen on what changed and why. Great for aspiring writers!
- Another great pledge level is $25. For that amount, you’ll receive the two levels already mentioned, plus a signed DVD copy of Season 2 and a digital download of the soundtrack.
There are many other pledge levels, both large and small, on our Indiegogo campaign, so be sure to have a look.
$500 isn’t that lofty of a goal. If just 20 people pledge $25, we’ll be all funded! We’d appreciate it if you can help us out. Even if you can’t pledge money, you can share Month of the Novel Season 2 with your friends, and that would be absolutely fantabulous.
Thanks for being amazing fans! We’re looking forward to showing you what we’ve been cooking up for Season 2. Stay tuned for more production posts soon.
[…] We’ve been posting up a storm lately over at the Month of the Novel blog. There have been interviews with the cast and crew, concept art designs, and now it’s time to post about our Indiegogo fundraising campaign. […]