End of June Production Update

We’ve been plugging away at the Season 2 episodes, and we’re getting close to having everything to the point where the picture looks pretty. Our VFX guy has been doing some great special effects, and our composer has done some great score concepts.

And so, since it’s the end of the month, I thought I’d give you a few sneaky looks at Season 2. Click any of these to see them bigger.

First, a filmstrip view, if you will, of Episode 1:

June Update 1 Continue reading

And Now It’s Time to Edit…

If you’ve been following our posts on the Month of the Novel Facebook page, you know that we’ve been loading the footage (a technical filmmaking term for our video and audio files) into our computers and getting it all labeled. You might also know that there are a total of 1,349 raw source files.


Somehow, all these files will be edited into ten episodes for your viewing pleasure. Right now, though, we’re taking a short break before diving in.

Stay tuned. We might just have some little tidbits coming soon.