Cast/Crew Interview: Sarah Shafer

Time for another interview! Today, we’re talking with Sarah Shafer.

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Sarah Shafer: Primarily I was an actress and screenwriter. I also filled in various odd jobs.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

SS: I like how the ongoing storyline is stronger and more cohesive than last year. We have some fun stuff in this year’s scripts, plus we get to play with science-fiction… Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Rebekah Shafer

It’s time to catch up with our production designer, Rebekah Shafer!

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Rebekah Shafer: I’m sort of a jack-of-all-trades. I’ve helped with brainstorming, writing, costume and visual design, acting, and even cooking.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

RS: I really like the slightly more “fleshed out” feel of Season 2. The level of detail we were able to bring into this production was so much fun, and really helped take it to a new peak. Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Laura Rozar

This month, we talk with Laura Rozar, who stars in Month of the Novel as the Writer.

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Laura Rozar: I play the Writer and the Voice of Doom.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

LR: There’s more character building, diversity between episodes, and it’s much longer than Season 1! The whole project came up a few levels. Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Jordan Smith

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Jordan Smith: It’s more appropriate to ask what my role isn’t. Seriously, I am really doing some of everything. Producing, directing, writing, acting (the Jester in Season 1, the Captain in Season 2), editing… Maybe even something else I’m forgetting.

Mainly, though, I’m directing. My job is to have the amazing vision that brings the whole show together. Sometimes I actually feel like that’s true.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

JS: Oh, I’ve seen all the scripts and I’ve been guiding them from draft one. Again, the question here might be better put, “What don’t you like?” I’m a very happy director/producer, and I think the Month of the Novel writing crew is absolutely incredible. They’ve taken this thing to a whole new level beyond the first season. Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Jenni Noordhoek

Let’s welcome writer Jenni Noordhoek to the blog for another cast/crew interview!

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Jenni Noordhoek: I wrote Episode 4.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

JN: The setting, definitely. I love a good spaceship story!

MotN: Now, of course, Month of the Novel isn’t the only thing you do. What else are you up to? Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: J. Grace Pennington

Let’s welcome writer J. Grace Pennington to the blog for another cast/crew interview!

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

J. Grace Pennington: I’m on the screenwriting team; I wrote the season finale for the first season, and I’m doing Episode 1 this time.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

JGP: I like that there’s more room to explore the concepts, with the length extended and twice as many episodes as last season. It’s just more full and you get to see more of the journey, which is fun!

MotN: Do you have a favorite episode from Season 1? If you had to pick based on the scripts, which episode of Season 2 do you think will be your new favorite? (You can pick your own.) Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Betsy Clemons

Let’s welcome writer Betsy Clemons to the blog for another cast/crew interview!

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Betsy Clemons: I am the writer for episode 5.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

BC: I like how all the scripts are more connected this year. Also, the episodes have been lengthened so we get a chance to create a more complicated plot.

MotN: Do you have a favorite episode from Season 1? If you had to pick based on the scripts, which episode of Season 2 do you think will be your new favorite? (You can pick your own.) Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Ben Smith

It’s time for another in our cast/crew interview series. This time, we’ve caught up with Ben Smith to find out more about his role in the show.

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Ben Smith: I’m writing Episode 6, heading up the visual effects, and playing one of the characters.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

BS: It’s longer, just as funny (if not more so!), and has a more connected storyline. Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Benjamin Dawson

It’s great to welcome Month of the Novel crew-member Benjamin Dawson to this month’s interview. Let’s learn a little bit more about him.

Month of the Novel: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Benjamin Dawson: I am the composer.

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

BD: I haven’t read the scripts yet – but I’m looking forward to having 10 episodes to score! Continue reading

Cast/Crew Interview: Aubrey Hansen

We’re kicking off a monthly cast/crew interview series with Aubrey Hansen, our intrepid story supervisor. We’ve already kind of stolen her first answer, so let’s get to her answers!

Month of the Novel:: What’s your role in Month of the Novel?

Aubrey Hansen: I’m the story supervisor, which is the person the producer pays to yell at the writers. No, seriously—when I signed on, Jordan and I explicitly agreed that I was hired because I am more critical and demanding than he is. It’s my job to make sure the scripts are well-written and flow together as a complete season, which means I don’t spare when I give feedback to the writers. But in return I also make Jordan’s feedback pleasant and coherent before I send it to the writers, so everybody’s happy (as far as I know).

Additionally, this year Jordan also cajoled me into writing an episode (not that it took that much effort on his part).

MotN: From what you’ve seen of the scripts, what do you like about Season 2?

AH: I’ve always been fond of sci-fi, so I’m excited that we’re exploring/mocking/mutilating that genre this season. Continue reading